Health Care History, Policies & Programs - CE Course
Continuing Education Course
The United States is one of the only wealthy, industrialized nations that does not provide access to health care for all its citizens, yet attempts to reform the system and expand access have historically met with bitter opposition. This module provides a tongue-in-cheek look at efforts to repeal the ACA, a unique glossary of terms with graphic art, an extensive timeline of the evolution of health care in America, and information about the Medicaid program.
At the conclusion of this video/graphic series, participants will be able to:
Understand the historical evolution of health care delivery in the U.S.
Understand and evaluate the size, scope, impacts, and major components of the Medicaid program.
Assess the many implications of the Covid pandemic on health and well-being in the U.S.
Recognize and define major terms related to health care policy and programs in the U.S.
Recognize the roles that discrimination and politics play in the delivery of health care services.
Understand the primary components of Anti-Poverty Medicine and important health provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act
Estimated Time to Complete video series: Up to 6 hours (6 CE credits)
Note: All course content must be viewed to the end and a brief evaluation completed before the CE certificate can be issued.
Price: $60
Health Care in America: Timeline
Interactives: Health Care Timeline
Medicaid by the Numbers
Medicaid During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Drawing the Line: The Opioid Epidemic in America
Liar, Liar Meets ACA Repeal
A Plague Upon Us
Covid Timeline (with interactives)
Disparities in African American Health & Well-Being
Mr. Richarte Goes to the Hospital
Health Care Glossary & Graphic
Relief Policies During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Opioid Epidemic in the Coronavirus Epidemic
Flashcards: Health Care Glossary Simple Terms
Flashcards: Abbreviations
7 Important Health Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act (with interactives)
What is Anti-Poverty Medicine?
Miguel Ferguson
Miguel Ferguson